STUDIO SALE -up to 50% Off

My Studio Doors will be open on 18th-19th May 11am-5pm, for a huge studio sale with massively reduced items. All are welcome:

Canvas and Cream Studios, 3 Havelock Walk, London SE23 3HG


Original Artworks


New collection: “Human Nature”


“This collection was born of an urge to reconnect with nature, to be more active with it, celebrate it and honour the nature surrounding us. I used small branches from my front garden hedge to manipulate the inks.

The concept of nature within a city feeling almost like a pretence, with token trees dotted around within the concrete. I realise I also need the concrete; I love the way it looks and feels, in spite of my conscious-self questioning why that is. That paradox of myself, reminds me of how we all have contradictions with in us, within our indicual natures”.


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